The warranty is personal to the customer to whom the invoice is addressed, and is not transferable
The warranty is void if the product has been mistreated, altered, used for a purpose other than its ordinary use, flooded or subject to water damage.
The Alpha Flooring World liability to the customer under the warranty is limited to a sum not greater than the cost of remedying any defects in the workmanship or materials used in the installation of the floor covering.
The warranty is active when your account is paid in full.
Scratches, chips or indentations to the surface of the floor or any other damage caused by mechanical means, misuse or abuse. Damage, intentional or accidental, caused by stiletto heels, dragged objects, heavy furniture, sand, stones, castor wheels, dropped items etc are also excluded, as are surface marks and permanent stains.
• Labour charges are not covered for any installation that has not been professionally installed by a suitably qualified floor installer in the first instance. In the instance of professionally installed floors, reasonable labour charges to repair or replace flooring, at the sole discretion of an authorised Representative, are covered under warranty.
• Any costs associated with any rectification work required other than the supply of new flooring and scotia beading if necessary should a warranty claim be acknowledged. Re-painting, removal of fixtures or furniture, accommodation and any other similar cost is specifically excluded from this warranty.
• Alpha Flooring world is not responsible nor liable for poor workmanship, negligence, and faulty installation of its products if they were not installed by the company or any of its accredited contractors.
Alpha Flooring World will facilitate the warranty assessment claim with the manufacturer. The customer must provide the proof of purchase to start the process. Alpha Flooring World will not be held liable for faulty flooring installation by the buyer. Warranty is excluded below mentioned circumstances
•floor being exposed to extreme heat or cold
• floor being exposed to excessive direct sunlight
•floor being laid on uneven subfloor